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CSM12 Candidate: Xenuria

Image of CSM12 Candidate: Xenuria

1. Please start by giving us a short introduction to who you are and your history within EVE Online. Include how long you have been playing and the groups you have been involved with.
I am Xenuria. I have been playing EvE for several years now and have been gradually learning more and more by diversifying my playstyle through various means. I like learning things.


2. Who would you consider to be your key constituents? Who would you best represent within the playerbase?
Any alpha clone would be my core constituency.


3. Please summarise your platform. (Preferably using key bullet points)

  • NPE
  • Quality of Life
  • Ease of Use
  • Reform


4. Why have you decided to run for CSM this year?
I want to continue the relationships I have cultivated and persist in yielding benefit from those relationships to my constituency.


5. Have you run for or been a member of CSM in the past? If so please list each year and if you were elected.
I ran last year and got elected marking the first time and orb has ever been elected to the CSM.


6. What makes you a unique representative when you compare yourself to other candidates?
I am the only candidate to ever run on a reform platform. I am also the only spherical candidate to ever run or be elected to the CSM.


7. Do you have any out of game experience and skills that make you a good candidate?
I have a psychology background and have done consulting work before.


8. What areas of EVE are you weakest at knowledge wise?
I don’t know anything about reactions or drug manufacturing.

9. If you were offered unlimited development time - what's the biggest change you would lobby for in EVE?
If there was magically an unlimited amount of dev time, I would see the game’s code re-written. Legacy code is one of the largest bottlenecks this game will ever have.


10. If you could wind back the clock - what feature or change would you remove from EVE?
I don’t see how having control of time would enable me to exert influence in the development process. If I could I would remove fozzi sov.

11. If you could pick one candidate to be elected with you who would they be and why?
Sullen Decimus, he is cool and knows his stuff.

12. What is your favorite memory in EVE and why?
Disbanding Hydra Reloaded, it was one of the first moments where I really started to understand how meaningful a single players actions can be in the grand scheme.

13. What platform(s) do you use currently to engage with the wider player base? If someone wanted to contact you what is the best way to do this? (Include Twitter/Emails/Skype/Slack etc.)
I communicate with my constituency through Twitter, Slack, Evemail, jabber and discord. @Xenuria on twitter and the same name for all other platforms listed here.


14. If people wanted to find out more about your platform - where is the best place to do so? (Include blogs, forums posts and podcasts)


15. What is your closing statement (no more than 500 words please!)
I need as many votes as possible to get in this time due to the change in open seats. Vote for me. I am Xenuria.

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