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Best of Us - Warfighter Engaged Drive Announced

Image of Best of Us - Warfighter Engaged Drive Announced

Currently within the EVE Community there are three high profile support groups who are currently engaged in activities to help both in-game and out of game communities. Broadcast 4 Reps, Care 4 Kids, and Best of Us. Each group works especially hard in their field making sure those who need help can get it. These are all fanatic community efforts and are a real reflection on just how committed the EVE community is to each other.
Best of Us is a group specifically focused on Military Veterans, both serving and not, who make up a sizeable portion of the EVE Player base. Best Of Us and was founded by ex-US Army and Afghanistan war veteran J Mcclain.
Like many veterans, J Mcclain found a familiarity within the Eve Community. In his blog post on Best Of Us website he explains that during his difficult times in dealing with post traumatic stress he found solace within EVE Online and made connections with other Veterans from all over the world with which to find support. It was this drive to continue to make connections, and help those who are in a similar situation that lead him to found Best Of Us community.
Our mission is to provide a safe and welcoming community for EvE Military Veterans of all nations. By strengthening our communities bonds we will be better able to help one another through difficult times ,keeping morale high while hopefully contributing towards a better quality of life and fun both in game and out. All of this will make us better able to deal with and address the terrible tide of Veteran suicides, engaging both the Veteran community and civilians alike with outreach about the topic and how we can be better armed to stop it in it's tracks.
Many EVE support communities begin and end with the in game client, usually being just a chat channel for people to talk to others who are willing to listen. But J Mcclain had bigger plans than that and has set up a number of out of game projects. The Far From Home project that allows people to send deployed personnel essentials and other items to them while they are away from families and loved ones. Project Pipeline is a EVE Online introduction programme to help Veterans starting to play EVE and get them in contact with the wider EVE Military Veteran community. The Ambassador Programme which aims to get non-military veteran players who wish to volunteer involved in Best Of Us Community.
Finally, earlier this week Best Of Us Community launched a new project - The Warfighter Engaged Campaign.
Warfighter Engaged is an all?volunteer charitable non-profit organisation. The organisation modifies video game and RC Vehicle controllers, make prosthetic enhancements, hygiene items and other novel devices to improve the independence of veterans who are struggling with injuries sustained in the line of duty.
Best Of Us is asking the eve community to donate their their old peripherals and controllers, even broken ones be re-purposed at no cost to the recipient into adaptive controllers specifically designed to their often unique needs. They are particularly interested in receiving-

  • PS4 Controllers

  • Squid grips

  • Foot Pedals

  • Flight Sticks

  • Xbox Elite controllers (great controllers that are easy to modify)

If you would like to get involved in this great drive please visit the Best Of Us site for more information and don't forget to take a picture of what you?re sending and it over in an email to

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