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o7: The EVE Online show - Episode 13

Image of o7: The EVE Online show - Episode 13

0:28 Introduction to the show and announcements
Opening with CCP Guard (Lead Community Developer) and CCP Mimic (Development Producer).
1:28 Team Five-0 talks about what they are working on in the EVE: Citadel expansion coming in Spring
CCP Punkturis (Senior Software Engineer) and CCP Larrikin (Game Designer) demonstrates the new fighter squadrons and fighter control UI. They also explained that new Tech 2 fighters will be released along with the 3 variants of the fighters including light, support and heavy squadrons. They also spoke a bit about the play-testing they have been doing with the new citadels.
3:08 CCP Guard interviews CCP Gunshow about Tech3, the new Eve hardware
Interview with CCP Gunshow (It Manager / Producer) talking about the new server upgrades coming named TQ Tech III while talking about the history of the EVE servers. Some images were shared showing the test server set up during the recent Solace testing. They also discussed how the existing servers will be moved from London to Iceland and set up in a new data centre to act as disaster recovery centre should anything happen to the servers in London. Gunshow also explained that the new servers will improve performance over the existing servers.
11:29 The o7 Report by Hendrik Talladar
EVE YouTuber Hendrick Talladar presents one of his regular reports talking about all the changes and major events since the last show in player controlled Null Security space.

14:50 The News with CCP Guard and CCP Mimic

  • CCP Guard and CCP Mimic talk about various news including

  • The upcoming CSM Elections

  • The in game Upwell Consortium Citadel Construction event

  • Confirmation that two bands have been confirmed for Fanfest Skálmöld, a Viking Metal Band and of course as always CCP's own Permaband.

  • Details of the upcoming player meets.

17:34 CCP Guard and CCP Mimic talk about upcoming events, Fanfest and competitions
A summary of the upcomming in game events including the EVE Bet Pińata event, Fanfest and an upcoming Fanfest AMA on Monday at 13:00 EVE Time on the EVE Subreddit. Including the conclusion of the EVE Fanfest Memories competition.
20:54 What's in a name: CCP Ytterbium explains the origin of his dev name
CCP Antiquarian interviews CCP Ytterbium who he is and how he picked his developer name.
21:59 The Upwell Consortium Event: an update on player progress, the recent disruption by OSS, and the Upwell response
More information on the ongoing Upwell Consortium Citadel event and recent player actions by the OSS alliance who destroyed one of the construction sites.
23:37 Homemade Citadel competition submissions and winners
Results of the build your own citadel competition recently held by CCP.
32:48 Logi Force Night - a trailer created by Zaqq for Fintarue

34:08 CCP Guard interviews CCP Mimic and CCP Nova about Eve Flight Academy
A discussion on the production and development of the Flight Academy Series which are being shown on you-tube.
43:45 CCP Quant leads us through the statistics of Skills in Eve
CCP Quant (Data Scientist) gives a discussion about the the upcoming Skill Trading and examines the spread of characters and skill-point in the game.
47:47 CCP Guard and CCP Mimic close the show

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