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Valkyrie Developers Battle Alpha Testers

Image of Valkyrie Developers Battle Alpha Testers

With the Oculus Rift pre-orders now well under way EVE: Valkyrie is now well into the alpha testing phase. In conjunction with this the NDA that was previously imposed on the testers has also been lifted. As a result a flood of streamers and video makers have been uploading their videos to YouTube and giving the rest of the world the first glimpses of this upcoming game that will be packaged with the Oculus on release sometime in March.
The Developers of the game invited the testers to log in on the EU server and challenged them to a multi-player brawl. Streamer and Youtuber Wans Zai recorded the whole event.
The video isn't the greatest at the moment as its being shown on the output from a single stereoscopic output from the Oculus DK2 developer kit, but it gives you a good idea at how frantic this game will be once it is released.

While Valkyrie will be free with all Oculus Rift pre-orders you will also gain access to the Founders Pack. The Founders pack will also be available after release for $59.99 which includes an exclusive Squadron 33 ship skin, 2,500 of Gold the in-game micro transaction currency which allows you to buy additional skins and in-game customisation, and a special forum tag.
For those of you who don't want to wait until 28th of March to get your hands on this game and give it a go the CCP Valkyrie developer team will be demonstrating EVE: Valkyrie at EVE Nottingham in February and at EVE Fanfest in Iceland in April.
You can also keep up to date on the goings on with EVE Valkyrie via the community reddit where there is a plethora of videos, images and other cool news being discussed about the game.

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