After many weeks of deliberation and voting Telegram Sam - organiser of the annual Pod and Planet fiction contest has announced the winners.
Grand Prize winner and overall competition winner was Voodoo Williams, with "A Spider in Her Web"
Eight Thousand Suns in New Eden (Lore-Based Stories)
- First Prize winner - Sugar Kyle 'Cortex'
- Second Prize winners - Rhavas, "Decoherence" and Callista Dallmore, "The Gate"
- Third Prize winners - Tiberius StarGazer, "Different Bodies", Niden Rapture, Nomistrav, "He Saw Infinity" and Torsnk with "fleet logistics"
A Day in the Life (Gameplay/Freeform Stories)
- First Prize - Archangael/Jason Jones, "The Best Sport"
- Second Prize - Oreamnos Amric, "Blood Frenzy" and Tom Hawkins, "The Hunt",
- Third Prize - Rhavas, "Emergence", Tom Hawkins, "Fabled Beauty" and Yuri Serafim, "Split Decision"
Other Things Just Make You Swear and Curse (Humor)
- First Prize - Abavus Durden, "The Allure of the Damsel"
- Second Prize - Drackarn, "Into the Breach"
- Third Prize - Sleightz, "From Riches to Riches"
You can see a full list of all the winners here.
In the after action report on the site Telegram Sam commented on some of the stories.
Our Grand Prize winner is Voodoo Williams's "A Spider in Her Web," a rather complex story told through a variety of voices. I personally liked the "spider"'s sort of stream-of-conscious impressionist passages. Perhaps the other judges did too. Congratulations Voodoo!
Sugar Kyle's "Cortex" took the 1st Prize in 8,000 Suns. I don't have the other judges' impressions of the story, but what stood out to me was the visualizations of scenes and interiors. I felt as if I were visually watching the story as it went along. Well done, Sugar!
In the Day in the Life category, Archaengel's "The Best Sport" took 1st. Just a great story about something that could happen (or did happen?) while playing EVE. A good-natured story with a surprise ending and some humor. The judges really liked it. Nice one, Archaengel!
Abavus Durden's "The Allure of the Damsel" took everybody's favorite Swear and Curse humor category. I didn't laugh out loud (because I was on a commuter train), but I did some almost-quiet pneumatic nasal chortling and involuntary grinning. Characters from every EVE player's newbrohood, come to life! Thanks, Archangel!
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