EVE Glasgow's final meet of 2015 will take place at the Hillhead Bookclub in the heart of Glasgow's west end on Monday the 28th of December.
This will be the 14th EVE Glasgow meeting since it began in early 2013. I messaged the host Glasgow Dunlop has been the main organiser of the event:-
The first Eve meet I went to was one that was one that was held in Glasgow late 2012 and was pretty sweet. It was held in a really busy bar so it was a bit hard for everybody to kinda find each other, but we got there in the end.
The first meet I ran was in early 2013 , we had 6 show up, but as the word go out there we got more and more coming along, and as the words spread out we have a lot more people.
I like running the meets every quarter rather than half yearly. It fits the way I like to do it, it keeps it a bit smaller than if it were a massive meet, and the place we normally go to, we have a big table, so everybody is in the one place. Everybody pretty much chats and drinks with everybody else.
The Hillhead Bookclub, which isĀ were the meet has been held since I started running the event. Its got a kinda feel of Nora* about it and were starting off at 2pm.
*Nora is a cult favourite bar for Fanfest Goers in Iceland.
Currently developer CCP Claymore and Steve Rounkuen from the Council of Stellar Management have said they may be in attendance. There may be other Developers and CSM members in attendance who have yet to confirm.
For those who register beforehand at the events forum thread here, will be entered into a raffle which a rare and unique prize - so get registering!
You can also register for updates on this event and others like it by registering on evemeet.net.
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